

Why We Give

We practice “Giving” as an act of worship because we are grateful for all that God has given to us and for us.

We “Give” because we want to demonstrate our faith in God – that He is our Provider.

We “Give” cheerfully and generously because we believe in the Biblical principle of sowing and reaping. (2 Corinthians 9:6-8)

We “Give” because, in the words of Jesus Christ, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”  (as the Apostle Paul taught in Acts 20:35)

John Weigelt


Ways to Give to New Life

Give Online

You can give to New LIfe using:

Text To Give

On your mobile device . . .
Text 54244 and enter "SBNLGive"

Mail a Check

Please make your check payable to New Life and mail to Post Office Box at:
P.O. Box 4644, Carson, CA 90749

Thank You For Your Generosity

Way Your Giving Helps